Legal disclosed Information
Here we disclosed the law mandatory data about GLOBAL ASSISTANCE Inc.
Office Adress
Dopraváků 749/3,
184 00 Praha 8
Invoice data
IČ 27181898,
DIČ CZ27181898,
DIČ pro skupinu CZ699000955
Company Contacts
Telephone:+420 266 799 711
Fax:+420 266 799 798
Global Assistance a.s. is a member of the international Vienna Insurance Group.The company is incorporated
in the Commercial Register maintained by the Municipal Court of Prague, Section B, File 9573. Stock: 100 shares of
stock in certificate form in the nominal value of CZK 100,000. Registered capital: CZK 10,000,000, 100 % paid.
in the Commercial Register maintained by the Municipal Court of Prague, Section B, File 9573. Stock: 100 shares of
stock in certificate form in the nominal value of CZK 100,000. Registered capital: CZK 10,000,000, 100 % paid.